Hey Everybody
Here again with this week's Tuesday Night Swap Net Listings.
All listings will be posted here on the my513.net forums each week after the net ends.
If you need your listing updated or corrected, you may send me an email at the address below and let me know what needs to be changed.
If your item(s) have been sold I will simply indicate it as such in your listing instead of just deleting it. This verifies to others that the item(s) have definitely been sold.
Listings will not be posted the following week unless the lister relists their sale or wanted item(s) during the net.
If you see something here you are interested in, please contact the lister via their contact information.
NK7Z - DAVE - EUGENE, OR - dave@nk7z.net
FOR SALE: Elecraft K3/P3, fully loaded, two receivers, 100w amplifier, auto tuner, transverter
interface upgrade, P3TXMON transmit monitor, too many things to list here. See it at
www.nk7z.net/k3sale - $3,199.00.
N7HEX - JAGUR - JEFFERSON, OR - n7hex.radio@gmail.com
FOR SALE: NIB Arrow 144-4S 2m yagi - WAS $95.00 - NOW $80.00.
FOR SALE: NIB Diamond X-300 colinear antenna (2m/70cm) - WAS $130.00 -
NOW $120.00
FOR SALE: NIB Rigrunner 4008 12v power distributor - $90.00.
FOR SALE: NEW 50ft LMR 400 - $100.00.
FOR SALE: NEW 75ft LMR 400 - $140.00.
FOR SALE: NEW 25ft LMR 400 with connectors - $75.00.
FOR SALE: NEW 18ft LMR 400 also with connectors - $50.00.
FOR SALE: ABR choke - $45.00.
FOR SALE: NEW Heil headset for the 2-pin Icom HTs - $25.00.
FOR SALE: Portable Zero Rails for the FT-817, 818, black power coated - $60.00.
WB6RLA - KEN - ALBANY, OR - kennybob55@yahoo.com or 541-926-1178
FOR SALE: An antenna system package.
Hygain EXP-14 4-element triband (20/15/10m) beam.
Hygain CD-45 II antenna rotator.
46 foot crank up/tilt over tower
Approx 100ft RG-8 coax cable.
Approx 100ft 8-conductor rotator cable.
80/40m inverted Vee antenna w/100ft RG-58 coax cable.
Cost of entire package - $900.00.
Will sell all separately if price is right.
KJ7ZDM - AL - MEDFORD - 541-776-2525
WANTED: Realistic DX-302 receiver.
AI7HL - ELDON - JUNCTION CITY, OR - ai7hl@moondog.org
FOR SALE: Yaesu FTM-400, dual band, dual receive, color touch screen, APRS, C4 Fusion.
FOR SALE: Yaesu FTM-300, dual band, dual receive, non-touch color screen, APRS, C4 Fusion.
FOR SALE: Yaesu FTM-200, dual band, single receive.
FOR SALE: Yaesu FT-5DR, dual band HT, touch screen.
All radios come with their original boxes.
Contact Eldon for pricing.
Thanks to all who checked in and/or listed tonight.
Total amount of check ins (including listings) 9
Got stuff to sell or want but can’t check into Swap Net? No worries! Just shoot me an email at the link below with your list and I’ll get it on the air for you. Just give a brief description about each of your items and include your call sign, city location and contact information. Your listing will be included with the listing read back at the end of the net.
Remember, ham radio items only but also can include computer gear, test gear and electronic parts.
Interested in trying your hand at running Swap Net?
Even if its just one time only or if you’d like to help out by alternating every other Tuesday, contact me at the email address below. Being a Net Control Operator for Swap Net or any other net can be a fun and educational experience!
Swap Net Listings For October 25, 2022
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