Swap Net Listings For November 5, 2024

Ready to sell those no longer wanted or needed ham radio toys? This net occurs every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm with Steve W7RMG
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Swap Net Listings For November 5, 2024

Post by W7RMG »

Hey Everybody

Well tonight's net was pretty much a no-go as far as listings which doesn't happen very often. We still had quite a few check ins though which really helped in keeping the net going. I'm sure next week will be better.
In the meantime, Rob K7MR still has the "Rob List" on the For Sale sub forum so don't forget to check that out and
see what updates he done.
Thanks to all who checked in tonight.
Total amount of check ins (including listings) 14

Got stuff to sell or want but can’t check into Swap Net? No worries! Just shoot me an email at the link below with your list and I’ll get it on the air for you. Just give a brief description about each of your items. Please be sure to include your call sign, city location and contact information. Your listing will be included with the listing read back at the end of the net.
Remember, ham radio items only but also can include computer gear, test gear and electronic parts.

Interested in trying your hand at running Swap Net?
Even if it's just one time only or if you’d like to help out by alternating every other Tuesday evening, contact me at the email address below.


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